HomeBlogThe Sovereign Fund of Egypt acquires 20% from “Care” Pharmacies

The Sovereign Fund of Egypt acquires 20% from “Care” Pharmacies


  • The Sovereign Fund of Egypt, through its sub-fund specializing in the health field, acquired about 20% from “Care” pharmacies for 75 million pounds, in cooperation with “AZ International,” according to two people familiar with the deal who spoke in press statements, and on condition that their names not be published. Because the information is private.


  • “Care Pharmacy” was founded in 2003, and in 2016 it underwent restructuring to become a major company, beginning its expansion journey in 2018. The company’s branches now cover Greater Cairo, Alexandria, the Delta, and Upper Egypt.


  • One person indicated that the sovereign fund acquired “45 Care pharmacies, out of a total of 220 branches distributed throughout the country.”


  • For his part, the other person said that “the procedures and transfer of share ownership will be completed in the coming weeks,” noting that the acquisition comes within the framework of the strategic partnership between the “Sovereign Fund of Egypt” and “Ezaby Pharmacies,” with the aim of “expanding the provision of pharmaceutical services.” For citizens.”

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